Helping Hands

What Needs Call to You?

Rapid City First Church each month identifies a local/regional project or agency to focus giving--our 3rd Sunday Mission Offering. If you are interested in helping out, our Give page provides opportunities to donate money to these projects.
Nov 2024 - Feed South Dakota
Oct 2024 - Dylan Slott Care Fund
Up Close
We recommend supporting UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). First of all, 100% of your dollars go to the project (the church uses other fundraising to pay administrative costs). Also, many projects utilize local churches to coordinate and direct relief where needs are greatest.
UMCOR also has international disaster relief and Advance Projects. From the war in Gaza to flooding in the Congo, UMCOR has projects you can support.

Winter Clothes Drive
Rapid City First Church is collecting winter clothes of all types. Jackets, beanies, gloves, ect.
As the days grow colder, we have many coming to our doors asking for warmth. Please help those in need by dropping off your donations to the Church during office hours Mon - Thurs 8am - 1pm

Food Drive
Rapid City First Church is also collecting food for those in need
Everyday we have people coming to our doors asking for any type of food. Help us stop the hunger in Rapid City. Please help those in need by dropping off your donations to the Church during office hours Mon - Thurs 8am - 1pm