Reflect Learn Grow

And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.

Job 8:7

In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial to continuously learn and grow. One effective way to achieve personal development is through self-paced classes/videos/podcasts. These offerings provide the flexibility and freedom to learn at your own speed and on your own terms.

Below are three groups of self-paced materials:
1) Rapid City First content
2) Amplify Media content
3) BEMA Discipleship Podcasts

Getting Started With
Blue Letter Bible App

Blue Letter Bible Website
BLB Apple iOS App
BLB Google Android App

What Does the Old Testament Say About Our Treatment of People Who Are "Unimportant"?

*Since making this video, I have come across two Bema Bible podcasts that provide greater depth to this topic:
Bema 31 - Remember Where You Came From
Bema 37 - A Love Story

Rapid City First Videos

Amplify Media materials

What is Amplify Media?

Amplify Media is a service of the United Methodist Publishing House. They provide a wide variety of video series and downloadable materials. Rapid City First pays to be a part of the service, so members and attenders of our church can request an Access Code where you can create your own account and access the materials.

Basic Bible

Basic Bible short videos are the perfect way to introduce (or re-introduce) a person to the Bible. With easy to follow animation, each episode takes you through a different aspect of the Bible, how it is organized, and general themes found throughout.

Knowing Who We Are

Knowin Who We Are invites you to a richer understanding of Wesleyan Christianity so you can have a clear sense of identity, better express your own beliefs, and deepen your connection with The United Methodist Church.

The Third Day

Tom Berlin uses his gifts of storytelling and understanding the Scriptures to connect the reader to the experiences of several individuals around Jesus in his final days, focusing on new life and redemption rather than loss..

Episode 0: Understanding the differences between eastern and western perspectives

Episode 87: The Brilliance of John's Message

BEMA Discipleship Podcasts

What is BEMA Discipleship?

BEMA Discipleship is a ministry of Impact Campus Ministries (not connected with the United Methodist Church). Their podcasts offer a great way to learn about the Bible in a self-paced style. Many of the later podcasts refer back to content in the early podcasts, so we recommend you start at the beginning.